3 Easy Ways To Improve Truck Invoice And Income Management

When running a trucking business, the most basic thing you’ll need to be able to track is your income. (You’ll also need to track expenses, dispatches, and much more.)
It helps to have a trucking management software (TMS) that tracks everything for you and generates trucking invoices for you. Here are three great ways trucking management software can improve your invoice and income management.
One-click Trucking Invoices
With TruckLogics TMS, Once you have created a dispatch and it has been completed by you or your driver, you can generate an invoice in a matter of clicks.
Simply click “generate Invoice” and TruckLogics will pull all your dispatch details including freight fees and additional expenses into a professional-looking invoice. You can even add additional expenses before generating and sending your invoice via email or fax to your customer or broker.
Track Factored Invoices
In TruckLogics, you can track factored invoices easily. You can set the factoring rate accurately and even record partial payments from any factoring services you use.
Add Expenses From Anywhere
With the TruckLogics mobile app, you can add expenses to a dispatch from anywhere! After making a purchase, simply enter the amount into the app and snap a picture of the receipt. If there is a fuel surcharge on the dispatch this can be calculated in the invoice in just a few clicks. You can even add non-dispatch expenses!
Try TruckLogics
You can try all the great invoice and income features in TruckLogics free for 15 days! There’s no obligation and no credit card information required.