Real-Time Order Tracking with TruckLogics

How do trucking companies make money?

It’s not a trick question. They need orders! And they need to deliver them safely and on-time. Having good communication with the shipper and consignee is also an added bonus, one that ensures happy customers and more orders in the future.

Seems simple enough, right? (Insert laughter here.) Anyone with even the tiniest insight into this industry knows that managing orders is a complex and overwhelming process…

Unless you’re using TruckLogics.

Contrary to what you’re used to, logistics doesn’t have to be a nightmare. Keeping order details organized, dispatching those details to drivers, keeping up with the status of the shipment, making sure the order payment has been received: all of these things can be put on auto-pilot with TruckLogics Real-Time Order Tracking.

With a single (and affordable!) program, you can simplify your operation and improve communication between dispatch, drivers, and clients. You’ll never have to wonder where your driver is, and you’ll never forget to invoice an order either.

Here’s how to do it, no messy clipboards or cork boards required!

Dashboard: Every Order At-a-Glance

Upon logging into your account, you’ll have all of the Order Status information you need within seconds. In a single glance, your Dashboard, the core of your TruckLogics account will show you all Pending Orders, as well as an Order Statuses chart.

The Pending Orders section will display your three most recently updated Orders. It’s essentially a streaming feed to keep you notified of your most recent order activity, whether a driver is held up by traffic, or an order was successfully delivered.

The Order Statuses chart is a convenient pie chart displaying the percentage of dispatched, completed, pending, and canceled orders that your business currently has. In a single glance, this chart conveys the most vital information every business owner needs, but in a fraction of the time.

However, you may need to delve a little deeper and see details for each order. If that’s the case, it’s time to head over to the Orders and Dispatches section, where every detail you need is organized and ready for your viewing pleasure!

Orders & Dispatches Feature

To navigate here, simply click on “Orders & Dispatches” along the top left menu. From here, you can conveniently sort through all orders by five categories available on the left column.

You can view all Open Orders, those that haven’t been dispatched, Dispatched Orders, Completed Orders, Cancelled Orders, or click All Orders to see an archive of every order your business has logged in TruckLogics.

If you need to pull up a specific order, you can find it fast by typing the order number into the Filter bar in the top right.

In this section, you’ll notice that orders are listed with the most relevant details, such as the mileage, pick-up date, location, charges, and most importantly, the order status. This will show you the most up-to-date Check Call received from your driver! How convenient!

If you still need to delve deeper into the nitty-gritty details of the order, simply click anywhere on the Order to be taken to that specific order’s Order Board.

The Order Board

You’ve arrived at the third level of TruckLogics order tracking. Within each order’s Order Board, every detail you need about the order is readily available and easy to update yourself, if necessary.

Simply navigate the tabs along the top left.

The Order screen will show the most basic order details, such as shipper & consignee information and order charges.

The next tab, Dispatch, displays the driver and equipment information that have been assigned to that order. It will also show the driver’s pay rate and overall cost for that order. From this tab, you can also scroll down to add a Check-Call to the order to update the current status of the shipment yourself.

But here’s the beauty part! You won’t need to update the status of your orders, because your drivers will do it for you through the TruckLogics Driver App! The app is available for free download on any iOS or Android tablet or smartphone! All you need to do is send login credentials for your company to each driver, then they’re ready to roll.

The App will not only allow them to notify you but also the consignee, of every order status update. Whether the driver has picked up the order, is en route, or is stuck in a detour, the app will allow them to send an email with the update with just a few clicks.

Time saved for the driver, and a headache saved for you. Gone are the days of trying to constantly get in contact with your drivers for an update. Isn’t technology wonderful?!

And all of that is available in just the first two tabs of the order board! Moving right along, next up is money. With orders come income and expenses, and TruckLogics helps you manage it all with our built-in accounting features. You can view the order invoice, trip sheets, along with all trip documents, and your trip settlement. The Trip Settlement tab makes driver pay as easy as a few clicks, with no calculations for you! 

And at the very bottom of the Trip Settlement tab is the Trip Net Revenue Graph (above). It shows the totals for each income and expense category related to that order, but in a graph form that’s easily digestible.

Order Financials

For an overview of your order financials, the third section on the left menu is the one for you. Within Order Financials, you can view all Uninvoiced Orders, Invoiced Orders, and Paid Orders. This handy list makes it impossible to forget to send an invoice for your order, but it also helps you keep track of your income and keep an eye on your bottom line.

You can also edit and quickly email the invoice to your clients by clicking on the Pencil and Mail icons on the right-hand side. And as another time-saving bonus, TruckLogics is full of email templates for you to choose from, and they’re already customized with your business name, contact info, and logo (depending on your settings!). No extra typing, hooray!
From order creation to dispatching, to invoicing and remembering to collect a payment, TruckLogics makes order logistics more manageable.

To get unlimited access to this feature, and many more equally awesome features, sign up today and see what you’ve been missing this whole time! Get 15 days free!

For help setting up your account, or for a free live demo (or for anything at all!), give our Support Crew a call at 704.234.6946 or email at [email protected]. Let the Crew show you how TruckLogics can take the “Manic” out of your #ManicMonday through the power of technology!

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