How-To Tuesday: Editing Your IFTA Account Information

TruckLogics offers plenty of helpful features to help make the operations of any trucking business run smoothly. One of these great features is the ability to edit your IFTA account information in TruckLogics IFTA. You are required to enter this information in order to generate the report, and if you ever change jurisdictions, you can easily update that information. In the steps below you will learn how to edit your account information in TruckLogics IFTA.
1. From anywhere within your TruckLogics account, click on the IFTA tab.

2. Beside Business Details and IFTA Settings you have the option to Edit. Click Edit beside Business Details.

3. Enter or edit the information pertaining to your business. Then you will click Save.

4. To update IFTA settings click Edit.

5. Enter or edit the IFTA account information for your state or province. You will need to provide your IFTA account number and your base jurisdiction. Once you have this information entered, click Save.

By following these steps in TruckLogics you are able to successfully edit your account information for TruckLogics IFTA. This process will help make sure all of your information and desired settings are to your preference. The third quarter IFTA deadline may have passed, but you can now start entering your 4 quarter IFTA fuel purchases and miles traveled into TruckLogics either using the IFTA-only option or the full Trucking Management Software with the subscription of a preferred or premium plan. What are you waiting for? Start working on your fourth quarter IFTA report in TruckLogics today! Also, if you need to file your Form 2290 for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax, visit our sister company ExpressTruckTax today!