TruckLogics Updates | See What’s New!

It’s a beautiful day, Trucking Nation. Now if your spirits aren’t lifted, the TruckLogics Crew has some exciting news to help make yours a little brighter. TruckLogics just got new updates!

Updates That Will Pump You Up Faster than the Rocky Theme Song

The term Orders has been changed to Loads
Truckers, we want to make sure everything is spot on for your business management needs and getting the lingo down is a big part of that. The term Orders has been changed to Loads within our program. Quickly create loads with custom load numbers that include customer/shipper/consignee information, freight details, and hauling/additional charges, all with a professional quality you won’t find anywhere else.

Create Trip Sheets Without Odometer Readings

We’re going the distance to make IFTA filing and mileage tracking as simple as possible. You can complete trip sheets for your dispatches without having to enter any odometer readings. See, the world is just a brighter place already and we still have a ways to go.

Driver Activities Included In Settings

You can view your driver’s activities on the mobile app from going to your Settings and then clicking My Activities. You can see if they have logged in to the app, opened a dispatch, updated a check call, or recorded an expense.

Updates for That Show Me The Money Moment You Have When Tracking Finances

Track Negative Settlements for Drivers

No two trucking businesses have the same management process. We want to have everything built right in to fit any management need. This update allows negative settlements to be recorded and displayed in the “Deductions” section of the driver settlement. Negative amounts will carry over week to week and you will never lose track of what your drivers owe.

Invoice Payment Terms

For your real business that makes real money, you need some real payment terms. You can now add your own payment terms to your invoices. This can be done in your Settings to have it auto-generate on your invoices, or you can create custom payment terms for your customers.

Profit & Loss Report Enhancements

We have added new terms and updated others on the Profit & Loss Report. When you generate a P&L report you will see miles, income, expenses, and revenue with breakdowns showing your cost per mile, revenue per mile, and profit per mile. You will know where every cent of your money is going and how it got there.

The You Asked For ‘Em, Now We Got ‘Em Updates

Dispatch Number Setting – Manual or Auto

Your suggestions made this update happen. Dispatch numbers can now be set to manual entry so you can enter any number you want, or you can set a seed number and have them auto-generate.

Driver’s Name Displays with Active Dispatches on Dashboard

We’re all about making your life easier. You can now view which drivers are on active dispatch straight from your Dashboard page!

Well, that was a fun ride on the TruckLogics Update Highway. It’s time to process everything, so we’re going to let you take a few minutes and check out the new stuff in your TruckLogics Account. If you don’t have one, there’s no better time for a test drive.

Sign up now and enjoy our 15-day free trial.

Talk to The Crew

The TruckLogics Crew has a gift for gab and knack for answering tough questions. Anything you want to know about TruckLogics, just call The Crew and we’ll hook you up with the knowledge. Contact us at our Rock Hill, SC headquarters via phone: 704-234-6946 or email:

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