Manage Your Trucking Business Better with TruckLogics’ Accounting Features

To keep your engine running smoothly there are a lot of parts that have to be maintained and checked for wear so your tires don’t stop turning. Your business is the same way. There are a lot of moving parts that need to be tracked and managed so you can keep the profit rolling in. Thank goodness TruckLogics can handle the intricate managing of your business for you so you can focus on your bottom line.

The Moving Parts

All the moving parts that support your business need to be tracked and managed. Orders, dispatches, expenses, equipment, maintenance, repairs, invoices, payments, IFTA, renewals, miles, fees and more need to be meticulously tracked. It just comes with the territory of being a business owner. TruckLogics can manage it all for you.

  • Order Charges – When you create an order (or dispatch if you know who is going to haul the load) you are able to enter order charges/fees one time and they will auto-fill on the invoice and in your reports. You can even create custom charges/fees to include. 
  • Invoices – The payment information you entered in your order/dispatch will auto-fill on your billing invoice. Set reminders will update you on when the payment is due so you’re not left wondering when you will get paid. Every invoice you email is documented in your Emailed Invoices list so you know exactly when an invoice has been sent and can easily keep track of when payments are due. 
  • Expenses – Tracking expenses is one of the most tedious tasks as a business owner. In trucking, there are so many different expenses it will make your head spin. You have fuel, maintenance, tires, permits, tolls, settlements, insurance, payments, food, lodging, and the list could go on forever. With TruckLogics, you only have to enter your expense information one time and the program keeps track of it for you. You can quickly pull up a report of all your expenses for any date range or filter them for a particular truck. 
  • Maintenance – Regular maintenance on your truck is key in preventing costly repairs. TruckLogics allows you to schedule your maintenance, assign mechanics, and track the maintenance expenses. This is a great tool to use in comparing mechanics and maintenance cost vs. load productivity for your trucks. 

    Review. Understand. Improve

    You entered in all the information in your orders/dispatches and have been sending out invoices and receiving payments. Now you want to know where your business stands. With TruckLogics, you can review reports that list your miles, income, expenses, revenue, and more. You will be able to easily understand where your money is going and pinpoint where you can make improvements. Income and expense reports are crucial in understanding and improving your business.

    • Income Reports – TruckLogics provides you with a breakdown of your income that can be specified to miles, customer, leased income, fuel surcharge, and more. You can take it one step further and breakdown your income by date range, or more importantly by truck. 
    • Expense Reports – Expense reports are going to tell you a lot about where your money is going. TruckLogics clearly lists out all your expenses that can be filtered by date and/or truck. You can see where you can save money and if a certain truck is incurring a great number of expenses than another, you will be able to determine why and resolve the issue. 
    • Profit & Loss Report – These reports list out your miles, income, expenses, and revenue for a set date range or for a specific truck. TruckLogics breaks down these numbers to provide you with your cost per mile and revenue percentage. This report is great to quickly see where your business stands to determine if you need to negotiate your rates, plan a new route, or re-strategize how you choose your loads. 

      This is only a glimpse into how TruckLogics can help you better manage all the moving parts of your business. The first step to see what all TruckLogics can do for you is to sign up for our free 15-day trial. The last step is to contact the TruckLogics crew so we can schedule a personal demo of the program so you can see it in action. We are here to answer any questions you have about TruckLogics, so give a call at 704-234-6946 or send us an email at [email protected].

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