AMX Shares 10 Benefits to E-log You Might Not Have Considered

The E-log mandate is coming. No matter how hard organizations are trying to stop the rule or at least delay implementation, currently the December 18, 2017 deadline remains intact. AMX, Alabama Motor Express shared their article with us that includes 10 benefits to them that you maybe haven’t considered, because even though the deadline is coming they urge everyone to look on the bright side.

10 Benefits to E-Log You Might Not Have Considered 

The electronic log device (ELD) mandate, scheduled in 2015, is about to reach it’s required implementation date of December 18, 2017. Despite all efforts to hinder this transition, companies will still be required to switch all paper-logging systems to electronic by December.

Since there is no escaping them, we might as well focus on the benefits.

Here are 10 benefits to E-logs:

1. The transition should be relatively smooth, especially if a company started early. 
2.  E-logs are extremely easy to use. There’s no paperwork to keep up with. The apps that connect to your phone reduce the likelihood of losing any logs. At AMX, when a driver begins a trip, he simply presses a button to begin the logging process. If he forgets, an automatic backup is in place and detects when a truck is going over 10 mph.
3.  These apps have the ability to alert a driver when he/she is close to going over hours, resulting in fewer HOS violations. And, say goodbye to form & manner violations! Logs will always be up to date and accurate, as opposed to handwritten logs that are prone to errors.
4. Speaking of accuracy, the logs can’t be manipulated by drivers or dispatchers trying to make more money. This also deters dispatchers from trying to force a driver into driving longer than legally allowed.
5. Drivers don’t have to worry about constantly getting calls from dispatchers trying to pinpoint their location. 
6. The main expected benefit is to increase the safety of all drivers by reducing drowsy driving by forcing drivers to stop when they reach their hourly limit. The reduction in drowsy driving will reduce accident and liability claims from a lack of alertness.
7. No more time wasted on recording hours. E-logs also save time at inspections.

8. Electronic data collection will reduce paperwork, one less thing drivers have to worry about. The raw data made available by mass standardization will give companies the ability to improve efficiency and eliminate waste. 
9. E-logs can link with Transportation Management Systems (TMS) allowing for up-to-the-minute tracking. This location transparency is a major attraction to potential customers.

10. Implementation of electronic logs will reduce costs in the following ways:

– Fewer Hour of Service violations
– Fewer liability claims
– Increased safety reduces accidents
– Fewer form & manner violations
– Reduced idle time manually recording logs

For a complete list of the e-log mandate requirements, visit the website of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.

Even though most in the trucking industry isn’t excited about electronic logs, there are some definite benefits to having them.

Might as well look on the bright side! We still have puppies!! 

Here’s one now: 

Thanks For Sharing, AMX!

AMX, Alabama Motor Express is a professional trucking logistics company that focuses on quality and on-time service. They have over 200 tractors and 600 trailers that ship goods all across the nation with satellite communication equipment to provide quick and constant access to their units on the road. 
Today’s article was written by Jordan Wilson, the Marketing Administrator at AMX Logistics. She uses her trucking knowledge to cover all aspects of the trucking and logistics industries to provide honk-worthy articles. 
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