Trucking Nation Podcast | 23. Cost Per Mile, Deadlines, and De-stress Hacks

How are you Trucking Nation? The TruckLogics crew hopes the road is treating you particularly well this week. A brand new episode of the Trucking Nation Podcast is up, and we’re going a different route this time. Proper business management is really important for your trucking business, but getting all the information thrown at you at once can be overwhelming. So, the TL crew is starting a new series that breaks down business management and takes out all the confusion. Just in case you get stressed out, there are some great de-stress hacks in this episode that will help you get calm, cool, and collected. Hit Play, learn a few things and have a good laugh.

Here’s the Rundown:

Cost Per Mile

It’s time to start talking about business management, and the TruckLogics crew wanted to do things a little differently. Having a lot of information presented at once is a bit overwhelming and boring. So, we are breaking it down and starting with the basics. This week we discuss cost per mile and why it is so important to know. If you want more information on actually figuring your cost per mile, check out our blog – Business Management Breakdown | Figuring Cost Per Mile.

Deadline Reminders

Why do we remind you of deadlines so much? To be honest, they are easily forgotten. Your 2nd Quarter IFTA deadline is coming up July 31st, and you don’t want to miss it. You don’t want your hard-earned money going to IFTA late fees and penalties
Another big deadline is the Form 2290 Heavy Vehicle Use Tax due by the end of August. Our partner, ExpressTruckTax, makes e-filing your 2290 quick and easy. They even have an app where you can e-file anywhere at any time. Check out their blog for more information – E-file Anywhere with ExpressTruckTax. 

De-stress Hacks

The trucking industry’s slogan should be – Trucking. Where Stress Happens! Being a road warrior can get stressful, and stress will wreak havoc on your body. Some tried and true hacks are counting backward from 20, humming We Are The Champions by Queen, taking a walk, and calling a friend. 
Counting backward is really great because it causes your brain to focus on what number comes next, and not what is stressing you out. Give it a try.
Thank you so much for listening, and next week we will have a brand new business topic to go over and some great health & wellness tips. Remember you get what you give in this world, so try to be kind and enjoy the ride. We’ll talk to you soon!

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