6 Unwritten Rules of the Road

We know there are plenty of rules, taxes, and laws you have to obey as a trucker. But what about the rules we don’t talk about?

Sure, you might know all the rules as a professional driver, but it never hurts to go over the basics.

So what are some unspoken rules of the road for truckers?

Make Some Noise

You’re driving down the highway and a four-wheeler pulls up next to you. You see a few kids doing the international air horn symbol. What do you do?

Well, if you can toot your horn… do it!

Sure, there can be complications to using the air horn – we’ve heard that some companies have horn restrictions and logs, as well as litigation over the air horn distracting four-wheelers.

But a lot of times, kids of all ages just want to see a trucker pull the horn. If you have no restrictions, might as well pull it and give the trucking profession a positive reputation.

Lend a Helping Hand

Sure, nobody wants to be as helpless as a rookie driver. But how are these rookies gonna learn if nobody is there to teach them?

Instead of hitting Reddit (or) Facebook with a story about a witless newbie trucker, ask yourself – how could you help that trucker learn?

And let’s be real – we were all there once. Someone probably helped you out.

Patience Goes Far

Sometimes, a little patience can go a long way. But with an equal amount of consideration, you can make sure your fellow truckers are maximizing their time.

If you have a trucker hauling LTL freight coming in at the same time, it’s not a bad idea to let them knock out their load first. Especially if they’re only opening one door!

Proper Bedside Manner

Wait, what? No, not like that. We just mean when you come into a truck stop at night, switch to your dimmest lights and try to keep any noise you make to a minimum.

We know that sleep and sleep health are huge issues for the proud members of Trucking Nation, so making sure you allow your fellow drivers their sleep time is the best thing you can do.

Don’t Hog the Fuel Bay

You might think that leaving your truck in a fuel bay saves you time, but you could be costing other truckers. And maybe that doesn’t bother you, but I’m sure you’d hate to lose some of your own paycheck.

Once you’re done filling up, pull away from the pump and find a proper parking space if you’d like to head into a convenience store.

Come on, we need to watch out for each other!

Do Unto Others

But overall, watch out for your fellow truckers. If you see a trucker in need, stop to help them out.

Don’t treat the truck stop like a dumpster, and do not leave old bottles full of who-knows-what lying around.

Drive like an expert. Keep your head in the game and do your best to keep the roads safe for your fellow truckers and the four-wheelers out there.

Basically, show a little common courtesy! It’s the small things we do that can make a difference.

Another unwritten rule is to start early on your paperwork! With the HVUT 2290 and 2nd Quarter IFTA deadline a few months away, it’s the perfect time to jump in with a 15-day free trial of the ultimate trucking management software of TruckLogics.

What are your unspoken rules of the road?

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