Navigating TruckLogics – A Step-By-Step Guide to Editing and Voiding Income and Expenses

Managing income and expenses is a critical aspect of running any business, but it’s especially important when it comes to trucking for a few different reasons:

  • Budgeting and Decision-Making
    • Creating accurate budgets and making informed decisions is the best way to ensure you’re using your money and resources to their full potential. Optimizing routes and equipment purchases is much easier when you have good financial information to back up your decisions. 
  • Tax Compliance
    • No one likes thinking about taxes or form deadlines, but keeping accurate income and expense records is a great way to make tax reporting a breeze when the time comes for that quarterly IFTA.
  • Maximizing Profit
    • Tracking your income and expenses allows you to calculate and monitor your profits in real-time, giving you the ability to make changes where needed in order to improve your overall profitability, and who doesn’t like profit?

Luckily, TruckLogics makes adding your income and expenses effortless, but things don’t always go according to plan. Say an income entry or an expense needs to be edited or voided. This can be the case for a few different reasons; maybe a refund is necessary, or you need to adjust a rate or a date on a recurring transaction. Whatever the situation is, TruckLogics makes this an easy fix. 

Editing or Voiding Transactions

Under Accounts > Income Transactions or Accounts > Expense Transactions, locate the transaction that you would like to edit and the icons under Actions.

The View icon on the left pulls up a summary of the transaction, including the category, date, and amount.

The Edit icon in the middle allows you to change and update any part of the transactions, including the category, date, amount, payment mode, and more. After updating the transactions, be sure to click the Update button on your screen to save your changes.

The Delete icon on the right allows you to simply delete the transactions, which can be useful if you accidentally enter duplicate transactions or need to void or cancel for any reason.

What’s Next?

Sign up for TruckLogics now to try out seamless financial management and see what it does for your business.

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In addition, be sure to register for TruckLogicsCONNECT, our upcoming transportation industry forum on November 9th. This must-watch event features four breakout rooms throughout the day, each covering an aspect of business that’s critical to your success. Learn firsthand from industry experts and take advantage of this free exclusive knowledge. Register now to reserve your spot!

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