How-To Tuesday: Quickly Canceling a Dispatch and Load (Updated)

Learn how to quickly cancel a dispatch and load in TruckLogics.

TruckLogics offers plenty of excellent features to help make the operations of any trucking business run efficiently. One of these great features is the ability to cancel dispatches and loads quickly. This is helpful when you need to remove any dispatches and loads that have been created. Learn how to quickly cancel a dispatch and a load in TruckLogics in a few easy-to-follow steps.

1. From anywhere in TruckLogics, select the dispatches tab. 

2. Click on the dispatch that has the load you want to cancel. 

3. Select the Check Call tab. 

4. Click on the trashcan icon to delete.

5. It will ask you if you want to delete it, click yes. 

6. Go to the Settlements tab. 

7. Select the settlement you want.

8. Click on the Void button.

9. It will ask you if you want to void the settlement, click yes. 

10. Click on the Trip Sheet tab. 

11. Use the trash can icons to delete each entry. 

12. After each entry, it will ask you if you are sure you want to remove, click yes.

13. Click Update once you are finished. 

14. This popup will appear, select Skip. 

15. Click on the Summary tab. 

16. Select the Load. 

17. Click Go to Load Summary.

18. Select Go to Dispatch Summary.

19. Click Cancel Dispatch. 

20. Click yes. 

21. Select the canceled load and repeat steps 16 through 17. 

22. Once back in the load, click More and click Cancel Load.

By following these steps in TruckLogics you are able to quickly cancel a dispatch and a load. Want to take advantage of this helpful feature? What are you waiting for? Sign up for a 15-day free trial and get started with TruckLogics today to start simplifying your trucking business operations today!

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