How-to Tuesday: Leased Operator Escrow Logs

With TruckLogics TMS for Leased Operators, you will have the power to accurately track their escrow as well as other income and expense transactions.
Learn how you can maintain the most accurate escrow log below!
Leased Operator Escrow Logs
- From your Dashboard, hover over the Expense tab and select “Escrow Log” from the drop-down menu.
2. You will be presented with a breakdown of your escrow deductions from your settlements Retained Earnings Section. If you would like to edit the total amount available, click on the “Edit” button up by the total.
3. Change the amount and click “Save.”
4. To view a record of expenses paid from your escrow, click on the “Expenses Paid From Escrow” tab. You can view and edit these expenses by clicking on the action column next to the expense.
5. If you would like to view a history of all your changes to your escrow, you can view that under the “Escrow Adjustments” tab.
Want to try Escrow Logs in TruckLogics?
Get a free 15-day free trial to see just how much time TruckLogics will save you on escrow logs! There’s no obligation and no credit card information required.