How-To Tuesday: Checking My Activities in TruckLogics

Learn how to check "My Activities" in your TruckLogics account.

TruckLogics offers plenty of helpful features to help make the operations of any trucking business run smoothly. TruckLogics has many features to help your business run more efficiently. One of these features includes the ability to check activities done in TruckLogics by any user in the account. In the steps below you will learn how to check My Activities in your TruckLogics account.

1. From anywhere in your TruckLogics click the gear Icon.

2. Select “My Activities” from the drop-down menu.

3. You can also get to “My Activities” By Selecting the user icon in the top right corner.

4. Select “Settings” from the dropdown menu.

5. Click on “My Activities” under the “My Account” Section.

6. Under “My Activities” You will see all of the activity within your account done in the past 30 days. It will also tell you who did what activity. You can filter back and look at past activities but it will only show you one month at a time. 

By following these steps in your TruckLogics broker account, you are able to successfully check My Activities. With this feature, you are able to see who did what within the account. What are you waiting for? Start utilizing this amazing feature and many more in your TruckLogics account!

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