Better Together: Hitting the Road as a Trucking Duo with Your Spouse
As a career, trucking offers many benefits–the freedom of the road, opportunities to travel the country, etc–but there’s no denying that it can be lonesome at times, and that’s even more difficult for drivers with a spouse or partner. Couple this with the fatigue and boredom that can set in at times while on the road, and it’s easy to see why some drivers might be interested in bringing their spouse/partner with them–after all, a great way to fix missing your romantic partner is to have them be your driving partner!
While not for everyone (and dependent on both people being trained drivers), having a partner on the road can improve your mood, work performance, and even your relationship if you go into it with the proper mindset. To help with this, TruckLogics wants to take a look at the pros and some of the potential difficulties to keep in mind–along with a few important tips and tricks.
- More Miles Driven, More Money Made – The first and most obvious benefit isn’t exactly hard to figure out: twice the drivers means twice the mileage, and twice the mileage means twice the money earned. And even if the division of labor means one person drives slightly more or slightly less than the other, there’s no denying you’ll be getting more money for your increased mileage.
- Get Back into a Routine – One of the downsides to truck driving is how hard it can be on your body, mind, and overall mood. Perhaps the main reason for this is the odd hours that truckers often have to push through, as their sleeping, eating, and hygiene habits are often at the mercy of whatever route they’re on at the time. Having a second driver means that you can take shifts sleeping and switch out for meals or breaks.
- Spend Time with your Loved One – For many, this is the single biggest reason to consider couples trucking. Truck driving can be hard on a romantic relationship, with many hours spent apart and communication not always being easy due to different schedules. Replacing all those lost hours with hours spent together in the cab of a truck can be wonderful for your happiness, health, and your relationship!
A Few Things to Keep in Mind About Driving with Your Spouse
- Close Quarters, Long Hours, and Limited Space – While being with your partner at all times can be great, make sure that both of you are comfortable with your traveling arrangement: being so close to someone for so many hours at a time can lead to sour moods and otherwise avoidable squabbles. Pick your battles, be supportive, and allow each other to have your “me” time whenever or however you can.
- So Close, So Far – While it’s true that you may be physically next to each other more often as a trucking duo, there may still be times when you feel “apart” from your spouse–remember that a duo will have to split and arrange their schedules accordingly, and that you may spend most of your time not driving by sleeping or doing paperwork. This is still generally considered a much better option for many couples, but don’t be surprised if you aren’t always as “together” as it might seem.
- Both Drivers Need to Love Driving – As obvious as it may seem, an arrangement like this simply won’t work if both drivers aren’t in it for the long haul (no pun intended). If one partner can’t stand being cooped up in a cab for hours at a time, it’s going to make things difficult. Additionally, if one driver is less skilled or experienced than the other, it can lead to disagreements and conflict that may not have happened otherwise.
Talk To Your Spouse About Whether Couples Trucking Is The Right Path For Both of You
Driving with your partner can be a lifesaver for some when it comes to earning money, meeting professional/personal goals, and maintaining their relationship. Just as no two people are the same, however, it’s also true that no two couples are exactly alike. Talk about the things that concern you in regards to such an arrangement – will one of you be more likely to miss other family members or friends? Do you plan to start a family soon? Are they equally committed to trucking as their career? These questions can help establish a great separation of “work” and “home,” so that your professional partnership never encroaches on your personal relationship.
And if you’re interested in bringing another (considerably furrier) member of the family with you, look no further than our blog on Trucking with Your Pets!